動詞 (Verb)
 如何來幫助同學們學習這動詞部份呢?常常發現有很多同學比較有困難於「動詞的時式(Use of Tense)」的用途或用法。
 今天提出「動詞的時式(Use of Tense)」來幫助同學們學習英文。
  1). Verb to "be" - am, is, are, was, were
  2). Verb to "have" - have, has, had
  3). Verb to "do" - do, does, did,
    verb to do 有含所有動作action verb. eg. read, see, go, come, run…etc
  4). Auxiliary Verb(助動詞) - will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must …etc.
 Eg. Will go, Can see, must be, should do…etc.
Non-finite forms (不限定動詞)
Finite forms (限定動詞)
Present Participle
Past Participle

Present Tense

Past Tense
Verb to Be
Verb to Have
Verb to do
Auxiliary Verb
 我們瞭解以上表格後,再來學習「主動語態(Active Voice)」、「被動語態(Passive Voice)」的基本架構寫法。
 A). 主動語態(Active Voice)
  1). I see the book.(我看書)
  2). I find out the solution. (我發現解決的方法)
 B). 被動語態(Passive Voice)
  a). 動作的執行者不詳,或說話者認為不重要時。
  b). 說話重點放在動作的接受者時。
   主詞 (Subject) + Verb to "be" + Past Participle 過去分詞
   1). The tiger is considered a lucky sign.
    (老虎被認為是幸運的符號)(註:實用英文 Pg. 265 Line 1)
   2). The book is hidden behind the T.V.
 有些動詞的(Present Participle)現在分詞與(Past Participle)過去分詞的字和形容詞字完全一模一樣。同學們要知道在英文句子內的形容詞角色與位置。(請看如何學習英文單字講議)。
  【動詞的時式(Use of Tense)】
 我們繼續學習「動詞的時式(Use of Tense)」
 「動詞的時式(Use of Tense)」可分為:
  1).現在式 (Present Tense)
   a).現在式 (simple present tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + am,is,are /(not)
     主詞 + have,has / (not)
     主詞 +V (inf) 原使動詞

      eg. see, watch, move, start
     主詞 + do, does + not + V (inf) 原使動詞
      eg. do not see/watch/move/start
        does not go / come
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     am,is,are +主詞 (not)
     have,has +主詞 (not)
     do, does+主詞 (not) + V (inf) 原使動詞

      eg. Do you (not) see… (您沒有看到嗎?)
   b).現在進行式 (present continuous tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + am,is,are + (not) Present Participle 現在分詞
      eg. You are (not) going….(您正(不)要去。)
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     am,is,are +主詞 +(not) +Present Participle 現在分詞
      e.g. Are you (not) going…. (您正(不)要去嗎?)
   c).現在完成式 (present prefect tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + have,has + (not) + Past Participle 過去分詞
      eg. You have (not) seen….
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     have,has +主詞 +(not) + Past Participle 過去分詞
      eg. Have you (not) seen….
  2).過去式 (Past Tense)
   a).過去式 (simple past tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + was,were + (not)
     主詞 + had + (not)
     主詞 +V (inf) 原使動詞

      eg. saw, watched, moved, started
     主詞 + did + not + V (inf) 原使動詞
      eg. You did not see/watch/move/start
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     was,were + 主詞 + (not)
     had + 主詞 (not)
     did + 主詞 (not)

      eg. Did you (not) see…..
   b).過去進行式 (past continuous tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + was,were + (not) + Present Participle 現在分詞
      eg. You were (not) going…..
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     was,were +主詞 +(not) +Present Participle 現在分詞
      eg. Were you (not) going…
   c).過去完成式 (past perfect tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + had + not + Past Participle 過去分詞
      eg. You had (not) seen….
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     have,has +主詞 +(not) + Past Participle 過去分詞
      eg. Had you (not) seen….
  3).未來式 (Future Tense)
   a).未來式 (simple future tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + Auxiliary Verb + (not) + Verb to "Be"
      eg. You will (not) be…...
     主詞 + Auxiliary Verb + (not) Verb to "Have"
      eg. You will have (not) some letter.
     主詞 + Auxiliary Verb + (not) + Verb to "do or V (inf) 原使動詞"
      eg. You will (not) see…..
        I will (not) do…….
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     Auxiliary Verb + 主詞 + (not) + Verb to "Be"
      eg. Will you (not) be……
     Auxiliary Verb + 主詞 + (not) + Verb to "Have"
      eg. Will you (not) have…...
     Auxiliary Verb + 主詞 + (not) + Verb to "do or V (inf) 原使動詞"
      eg. Will you (not) see…..
        Will I (not) do…...
   b). 未來進行式 (future continuous tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + Auxiliary Verb + (not) + Verb to "Be" + Present Participle 現在分詞
      eg. You will (not) be having
        You will (not) be seeing…..
        I shall (not) be doing…….
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     Auxiliary Verb +主詞 + (not) + Verb to "Be" + Present Participle 現在分詞{Verb to "Be"}
      eg. Will you (not) be having….
        Will you (not) be seeing…..
        Shall I (not) be doing…….
   c). 未來完成式 (future perfect tense)
    i). Affirmative sentence (肯定) / Negative sentence (否定):
     主詞 + Auxiliary Verb + (not) + Verb to "Have" + Past Participle 過去分詞
      eg. You will (not) have been….
        You will (not) have had…….
        You will (not) have seen…..
        I shall (not) have done…….
    ii). Interrogative sentence (問句):
     Auxiliary Verb +主詞 + (not) + Verb to "Have" + Past Participle 過去分詞
      eg. Will you (not) have been…..
        Will you (not) have had…….
        Will you (not) have seen…..
        Shall I (not) have done….
     1). Jenny and Kathy have claimed their luggage, cleared immigration and are waiting for their car to the hotel. (實用英文 Pg. 198 Line 1.)
       Jenny 和 Kathy 提了行李,辦好入境手續後等車載到飯店。
     2). I guss I'll have (will have) to charge it then. Do you want my credit card now or when we check out? (實用英文 Pg. 200 Line 8.)
     3). I have received your catalogue about the Interactive Writing System you have just developed. (實用英文 Pg. 209, letter paragraph, line 1.)
     4). After you have used it, please let us know if you have any problems. (實用英文 Pg. 213, letter paragraph 3, line 1.)
     5). I have had enough of the lemon I bought from you. (實用英文 Pg. 218 the last line.)
     6). Then she'd be (would be) just like her mother was when she was a little girl. A tomboy. (實用英文 Pg. 153 Line 15.)
     7). I was met and welcomed not by an African chief with a painted face but by the Minister of Education dressed in a business suit and tie. (實用英文 Pg. 160 Line 10.)
     以上的例子內容並不是很完美。主要目的是同學們看出「動詞時式 (Use of Tense)」。這裡沒有提到現在完成進行式(Present Perfect Continuous Tense)過去完成進行式(Past Perfect Continuous Tense)。同學們瞭解完成式與進行式動詞的寫法來變化就可以。
     Today, I have been going to the school when my brother is watching the TV.
     Yesterday, I had been going to the school when my brother was watching the TV.
     1). A Virginia woman was convicted of improper driving and fined $35 dollars. (英文文選 Page 13 line 4)
     2). The woman appealed her case but was rejected, on the ground that she displayed a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of others. (英文文選 Page 13 line 9)
     3). How could I know? I had never heard of anything like this. Had you? (英文文選 Page 26 line 14)
     4). But the lady in the article said in all her years of marriage, her husband had never told her he like her, never complimented her cooking, never said the words:"thank you"to her, never held her hand, never given her a present, never called her by name, never showed her affection in any way. (英文文選 Page 55 line 1)
     5). Have you ever asked yourself what causes more hurt in people's lives - words that are spoken, or words that are held back and buried in silence…? (英文文選 Page 55 line 8)
       您曾經是否問過您自己什麼因素會傷害人們的生活 - 像已說出的話或埋在心裡的俏俏話。
     6). We've been driving (have been driving) around for half an hour looking for them. It can't hurt to have a look and see if they're (they are) there. (英文文選 Page 114 line 12/ the last line ~ Page 115 line 1)
     7). May be they wouldn't have divorced if they had been working together. (英文文選 Page 159 line 5)
     8). Sometimes another professor and I will receive a former student's wedding invitation card on the same day. We'll be standing (will be standing) before our mailboxes when we make the discovery. (英文文選 Page 271 line 1)
     以上例子都是提供給同學們參考。這些例子是告訴同學們「動詞的時式 (Use of Tense)」以及它們的語態
     瞭解「動詞的時式 (Use of Tense)」以及它們的語態,同學們在寫作英文文章或英文書信時、盡量使用這些方式。以下有一段簡單化、常用化的一般生活化之英文作業。
  My Holiday (The weekend holiday)
  Today is a Sunday, weekend holiday. So, I am very happy. I got up early morning and then I took a walk about 2 hours going around the garden near my house. When I came back, I passed through the morning market. I brought some vegetables, meal and fruits. After having (I have had) my lunch, I watched the TV movie that was a detective movie. I am very interested to see such kinds of movies. At that time, my friend gave me a call and said that she would like to go shopping. As soon as the movie is finished, I went to shopping with her. Holiday is my free time that I can do whatever I would like to.
  Saying hotpot is popular in Taiwan is an understatement. Over the last decade or so, hotpot - a bit like fondue - has taken Taiwan by Storm.
      主詞       主動詞   補語         副詞       主詞   同意表達字    主動詞
  Eateries have sprung up everywhere. Traditional Beijing mutton hotpot is not the
   主詞   主動詞     地點        主詞     主動詞
only one winning over the heartsand stomachs -of crowds at home.
     補語       連接字 補語
Various hotpot-style dishes, such as northeastern Chinese pickled cabbage and pork hotpot,
    主詞               補充語片
Japanese shabu shabu, as well as spicy hotpot are tantalizing local taste buds.
Among the aforementioned dishes, mala hotpot or spicy hotpot -which
   副詞              主詞    - 同意表達字
combines the ma - numbing peppercorns - and the la - spicy red chili -
          同意表達字  連接字     同意表達字
has found undying favor with islanders.
  說火鍋在台灣流行是少說。在最後過去的十年上或者那麼,火鍋 -由暴風雨走(進)了台灣像熱融製乾酪 - 那樣的一點。
  常吃者也到處都出現了。 傳統北京羊肉火鍋在心臟 -和口胃 -在家或人群上不是很迷。 各種火鍋風格菜盤,例如:中國東北的醃制的、爛醉如泥的甘藍菜及豬肉的火鍋、日式 shabu shabu 火鍋、好像那樣加香料火辣的火鍋是激發開始生長本地味道。
  在這些上述的菜盤中間,mala火鍋或者加香料火辣的火鍋 -是合併 ma - 是使失去感覺(麻木的) 乾胡椒 - 以及 la -加香料的紅(色)番椒 -發現到具有島民不朽的最喜歡。
  以上的英文文章是Taiwan Journal 內 "Spicy fondue a hot trend in Taiwan" 文章中的一部份資料。提出我如何去閱讀英文文章以及盡量翻譯我所瞭解。
  希望這份講議可以幫助同學們學習英文。日後若還有機會,我會提出一些英文閱讀方面所用到的連接字引導之子句、關係代名詞引導之子句 … 等等個方面來補助同學們的學習英文。