  一、 動詞 (Verb)

  二、 名詞 (Noun)
    在完整的一個英文句子內,名詞是當主詞(Subject)與受詞(Object)用。名詞也有很多類型,目前我們先談名詞的單數形(Singular Form of Noun )與複數形(Plural Form of Noun )的寫法。
  a). We form the plural of most nouns by adding "-s" at the end.
   大部份的名詞在字尾加上 "-s" 可變成複數形名詞。
   e.g. Book --- Books
  b). We form the plural of nouns which end in "-s, -ch, -sh, -x, -o" by adding "-es" at the end.
   字尾有含 "-s, -ch, -sh, -x, -o" 的名詞再加上 "-es" 可變成複數形名詞。
   e.g. Class --- Classes
     Watch --- Watches
     Brush --- Brushes
     Box --- Boxes
     Potato --- Potatoes
    但是以下這些字的字尾雖然是 "-o" ,我們只要加上 "-s" 即可變成複數形名詞。這些比較例外的字,當同學們看到的時候,多注意一下就可以了。
   e.g. Radio --- Radios
     Kilo --- Kilos
     Photo --- Photos
     Piano --- Pianos
  c). Nouns which end in "consonant + y" change the "-y" to "-i" and take "-es".
   字尾是子音字母 "-y" 的名詞,把 "-y" 改寫為 "-i" 再加上 "-es" 可變成複數形名詞。
   e.g. City --- Cities
     Country --- Countries
    但是以下這些字的字尾雖然是 "-y",我們只要加上 "-s"即可變成複數形名詞。這些比較例外的字,當同學們看到的時候,多注意一下就可以了。
   e.g. Boy --- Boys
     Monkey --- Monkeys
  d). Some nouns which end in "-f" or "-fe" form their plural in "-ves".
   字尾有含 "-f" or "-fe" 的名詞,將"-f" or "-fe"改為 "-ves" 可變成複數形名詞。
   e.g. Leaf --- Leaves
     Wife --- Wives
     Life --- Lives
   但是以下這些字的字尾雖然是 "-f" or "-fe",我們只要加上 "-s" 可變成複數形名詞。這些比較例外的字,當同學們看到的時候,多注意一下就可以了。
   e.g. Roof --- Roofs
  e). Irregular Nouns.
   e.g. Man --- Men
     Woman --- Women
     Child --- Children
     Goose --- Geese
     Tooth --- Teeth
     Mouse --- Mice
     Ox --- Oxen
     Deer --- Deer
     Sheep --- Sheep
     Fish --- Fish
     This --- These
     That --- Those
   Adjective which end in "-ent" drop the "t" and then takes "-ce".
   形容詞字尾是 "-ent" 時,刪除 "-t" 後再加 "-ce" 可變成名詞。

  三、 形容詞 (Adjective)
    Adjectives are words which go before nouns and describe them. They are the same in the singular and plural.
  1. 單字形容詞 (Single Word Adjective)
  2. 形容詞片語 (Adjective Phrase)
  3. 形容詞子句 (Adjective Clause)
  a). We can use adjectives without nouns after the verbs "be, look, feel, smell, taste".
   形容詞可位於"be, look, feel, smell, taste"等動詞後面。
   e.g. He is young.
     The pizza smells good.
     The girl is beautiful.
  b). Adjective can follow nouns which show measurement.
   e.g. She is fourteen years old and 160 metres tall.
  c). We form the Adjective of most verbs by adding "-d" or "-ed" at the end.
   大部份的動詞再加上 "-d" or "-ed" 可變成形容詞。
   e.g. Interest --- Interested
  d). We form the Adjective of most verbs by adding "-ing" at the end.
   大部份的動詞再加上 "-ing" 可變成形容詞。
   e.g. Interest --- Interesting
  e). Some verbs which end in "-er" form adjective by adding "-ent".
   字尾有含 "-er" 的某些動詞再加上 "-ent" 可變成複數形名詞。
   e.g. Differ --- Different

  1. Positive Degree (原型形容詞字)
  2. Comparative Degree (原型形容詞字 + er 或 more + 原型形容詞字)
  3. Superlative Degree (原型形容詞字 + est 或 most + 原型形容詞字)
   e.g. Fast --- Faster --- Fastest
     Slow --- Slower --- Slowest
     Famous --- More Famous --- Most Famous

  四、 副詞 (Adverb)
  1. 單字副詞 (Single Word Adverb)
  2. 副詞片語 (Adverb Phrase)
  3. 副詞子句 (Adverb Clause)
  a). We form adverbs (especially adverbs of manner) by adding "-ly" to the adjective.
   e.g. Quiet --- Quietly
     Quick --- Quickly
  b). Adjectives which end in "consonant + y" change the "y" to "-i" and then take "-ly".
   形容詞字尾為子音(consonant)+ "y" 時,把 "-y" 改為 "-i" 再加 "-ly" 可變成副詞。
   e.g. Angry --- Angrily
     Happy --- Happily
  c). Adjective which end in "-e" keep the "-e" before "-ly".
   形容詞字尾是 "-e" 時,"-e" 後面再加 "-ly" 可變成副詞。
   e.g. Nice --- Nicely
  d). Adjective which end in "-l" keep the "l" before "-ly".
   形容詞字尾是 "-l" 時,在"-l" 後面再加 "-ly" 可變成副詞。
   e.g. Beautiful --- Beautifully
     Careful --- Carefully
  e). Adjective which end in "-le" drop the 'e" and take only "-y".
   形容詞字尾是 "-le" 時,把"-e" 刪除後再加 "-y" 可變成副詞。
   e.g. Simple --- Simply
  f). Irregular adverbs.
   e.g. Adjective --- Adverb
     Hard --- Hard
     Fast --- Fast
     Late --- Late
     Early --- Early
     Good --- Well

  英文句子中,務必要有主詞(Subject) 與動詞 (Verb)。沒有這兩個無法建構一個句子。受詞 (object) 是接收動詞的動作。這主詞(Subject) 與動詞 (Verb)如何相關並且應用地點 (place)、態度 (manner) 、時間 (time)、目的 (purpose) 和原因 (reason) 來描述它們兩個?這些主詞、動詞、受詞、地點、態度、時間、目的和原因在句子中的順序為何?以下基本的句子架構提供給同學們參考。
主詞 動詞 受詞 地點 態度 時間 目的/原因
  Subject Verb Object Place Manner Time Purpose / Reason
   (S)  (V)  (O)  (P)  (M)   (T)  (Pur.) / (Rea.)

    1). You and I  go to  the school  by bus  at 8:00 o'clock every morning.
       (S)    (V)     (P)    (M)         (T)

    2). I  meet  you  at your office  on Monday.
     (S)  (V)  (O)    (P)      (T)

    3). I   play football game at the playground  every day   for my healthy.
     (S)  (V)    (O)        (P)       (T)     (Pur.)

    1). forest , wood , jungle.
    2). say , tell , speak, talk.